Zynthian Users Guide

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1 Main Guides


2 Testing Version Guides

3 Specific Guides

  • Zynthian Hardware: information about using custom hardware with Zynthian for DIY setups.

4 Beginners

  • Quick Start: A beginners tutorial on how to make a piano snapshot

5 Video Guides

5.1 English

Zynthian Demo, by Floyd Steinberg
SooperLooper, by Floyd Steinberg

First Steps, by Sébastien Marty
MIDI Basics, by Sébastien Marty
Editing SFZ & SF2, by Benoit Bouchez

5.2 French

V5: Interface utilisateur, by Benoit Bouchez
V3: Interface utilisateur, by Benoit Bouchez
Edition SFZ et SF2, by Benoit Bouchez