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== Running the Debugger ==
== Running the Debugger ==
[[File:Vsc start debugging.png|thumb|center]]
Once you have a specific module in focus you can run the debugger within that module. In this case ( The module that runs the webconf implementation). We are going to watch MIDI signals being acknowledged in the webconf display.
[[File:Vsc remote installing.png|thumb|center]]
[[File:Vsc start debugging.png|800px|center]]
[[File:Vsc debug selection.png|thumb|center]]
Make sure you have the python debugger extension loaded. This is done via the Cog in the lower left corner and selecting Extensions. Search on Python in the dialog and you should see a similar list to that below. It's a Microsoft component so it's efficacy is established. Select nd it will load it's self, It's pretty good at doing this but do give it some time to complete...
[[File:Vsc already in use.png|thumb|center]]
[[File:Vsc remote installing.png|800px|center]]
Selecting Run from Top meu will offer a set of options including debug. Press on this, and you will be offered a selection of options as below that allow choice of various environments in the python world that you may wish to be involved with. Select the top option.
[[File:Vsc debug selection.png|800px|center]]
== Turning off Running Webconf instance ==
== Turning off Running Webconf instance ==


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