Zynthian Users Guide

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1 Official User Guides

Zynthian has 4 user interfaces that we have documented separately:

1. Zynthian UI Users Guide: The Hardware UI. <= You should start here!

2. Configuration Users Guide: Web Configuration Tool.

3. MOD-UI Users Guide: MOD Plugin-Host UI.

4. Command Line User Guide: If you need to manually setup/configure things.

2 Specific Guides

3 Beginners

First Steps: A brief tutorial on basic UI usage

Quick Start: A beginners tutorial on how to make a piano snapshot

4 Video Guides

4.1 English

First Steps, by Sébastien Marty
MIDI Basics, by Sébastien Marty
Editing SFZ & SF2, by Benoit Bouchez

4.2 French

Interface utilisateur, by Benoit Bouchez
Edition SFZ et SF2, by Benoit Bouchez