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==Encoders connected using a MCP23017 chip==
==Encoders connected using a MCP23017 chip==
As an interface grows ( when 4 user definable switches were added to V3 (?) we had already moved away from the direct encoder route in favour of a much more efficient way of reading encoders and switches, which passed off some of the effort to another piece of silicon. The MCP23017 16 port I2C multiplexer. This board meant the communication between the Raspberry Pi and this 20 pinned chip could be handled by only a few wires at the Pi end, and a standard form of communication called I2C.
As an interface grows ( when 4 user definable switches were added to V4 we had already moved away from the direct encoder route in favour of a much more efficient way of reading encoders and switches, which passed off some of the effort to another piece of silicon. The MCP23017 16 port I2C multiplexer. This board meant the communication between the Raspberry Pi and this 20 pinned chip could be handled by only a few wires at the Pi end, and a standard form of communication called I2C.
The zynaptik-3 board from zynthian provides all the interfaces for encoders and the extra switches introduced, along with MIDI interfaces and Control voltage and digital ins and outs which represents the official implementation of this sort of approach.
The zynaptik-3 board from zynthian provides all the interfaces for encoders and the extra switches introduced, along with MIDI interfaces and Control voltage and digital ins and outs which represents the official implementation of this sort of approach.