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[[File:Zynthian 23017 wiring.png|thumb|800px|center|Zynthian 23017 wiring]]
[[File:Zynthian 23017 wiring.png|thumb|800px|center|Zynthian 23017 wiring]]
===How does the zynthian understand the encoders?===
Code, obviously. But there is a flexibility built into the system that allows it to interpret digital signals from devices connected to encoders and use that information to control the Graphical User Interface (GUI). THis is achieved using the zynthian webconf maintenance which is a web server internal to the zynthian that presents extended information for configuration and also for moving files of various sorts into and out of the zynthian's file system.
[[File:20250303 10h45m18s grim.png|800px|thumb|center|Zynthian Webconf]]
It also allows some quite detailed configuration of encoders in the wiring section.
[[File:Zynthian 23017 wiring.png|thumb|800px|center|Zynthian 23017 wiring]]
Now, obviously if you are using the zynaptik-3 then you merely have to select the appropriate configuration option in Wiring Layout and it should all just work, but if you are here you are probably rolling your own device. So you should select Custom. AS this makes no assumptions about your configuration and allows you to define your own configuration that you can save under it's own name. One of the most telling realisations one makes if you are doing this for the first time is that the details you can spend a couple of weekends puzzling over like which wire goes to which pin instantly gets forgotten as soon as it all works, and when revisited, needs to be completely worked out from first principles because you didn't make a record and you have rebuilt your zynthian from a clean software image.
Do the housekeeping!
Makes notes!!
==Encoders directly connected to GPIO Pins==
==Encoders directly connected to GPIO Pins==


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