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By pressing down on the top of an encoder a completely separate switch can be operated without any alteration of the rotating component (hopefully).
By pressing down on the top of an encoder a completely separate switch can be operated without any alteration of the rotating component (hopefully).
This used to select the page of parameter you are to use, which is demonstrated by a grey screen activated by a short push of the encoder. This is a basic Zynthian function and it is used to indicate selection in the zynthian world.
This used to select the page of parameter you are to use, which is demonstrated by a grey screen activated by a short push of the encoder. This is a basic Zynthian function and it is used to indicate selection in the zynthian world.
It is also why the zynth interface cannot be completely implemented into an encoder only environment. For instance rotary encoders on keyboard controllers and the like...
You need the associated press witches to drive it successfully. No doubt something could be arranged but it gets pretty contrived, pretty quickly.