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You will need to connect wires from the raspberry Pi pins to the encoders. Given it is recommended to connect capacitors across the encoder connections to reduce the bouncing that occurs when mechanical switches open and close and this is best done at the encoder end, some people construct daughter boards for each encoder with connections and sockets that are connected by Du Pont Wires with sockets on both ends. These socket based wires do work but they can easily be knocked off the pins if there is cable flexing, so it is probably better to get either a 40 pin ribbon cable or Pi ex pander board with solder pads to allow you to remove the device entirely from the Pi. This is important because you might want to transfer the Pi to do something else in later life, or more likely as you are constructing the enclosure you might well want to separate them for testing with a multi-meter, which is a tool that isn't exactly essential in these sorts of activities, but if you are new to soldering, is the authoritative way of checking that electrons actually do get from the point you believe they originate from to the place where they are going to make something happen.
====Pins on the Pi====
=====Power Supply=====
=====Pins not to use=====
=====General GPIO pins=====
=====Specialized GPIO Pins=====
==Encoders connected using a MCP23017 chip==
==Encoders connected using a MCP23017 chip==