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AI MODELER for guitar amps.
Models audio from a machine learning algorithm. Includes impulse response processor for emulating physical environment. Requires a json model for the machine learning and optionally an impulse response wav file.
Here is a list of publicly available sources for aida-x models:
Here is some of popular sources of free IR for downloads:
- RedWirez-BIGBoxX 200+ Marshall 1960 Cabinet Loaded with four 25-watt Celestion G12M "Greenback"
- Gods_Cab_1.4 700+ Mesa OS Irs
Here is a detailed list of models as from June 2024:
Model file name | Type | IR included | Amp or fx name | info | Photo | Created by | Where to download from | License |
NAM Models for AIDA-X | amp | GrimJim | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | ||||
Cornish G2 (S10 T6 V10).json | pedal | N/A | Pete Cornish G2 | popular overdrive pedal from English builder Pete Cornish - used by Pink Floyd's Gilmour | TheToneScientist | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
jcm900_slx_deer_ink_studiosLSTM-16.aidax | amp | No | Marshall JCM900 | part of AIDA-X official JCVM plugin. | AIDA_DSP | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
hbe L 2 esr 0.035.json | amp | No (recommended an Orange PPC 4x12 V30 IR) | Pedal Board based on Friedmand HBE | Friedman HBE | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
recto R 3 esr 0.073.json | amp | No (recommended a Mesa straight 4x12 V30 IR) | Pedal Board based on Dual Rectifier | Dual Rectifier | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Peacy Bandit Clean AMP_LSTM-12.json | amp | No | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe - Clean | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Peavy Bandit Crunchy AMP_LSTM-16.json | amp | No | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe - Crunchy | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Peavy Bandit Clean2 AMP_LSTM-12.json | amp | No | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe - Clean 2 | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Peavy Bandit Gainy AMP_LSTM-16.json | amp | No | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe - Gainy | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Peavy Bandit Clean MIC_LSTM-16.json | amp | Yes | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe - Clean | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Peavy Bandit Crunchy MIC_LSTM-16.json | amp | Yes | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe - Crunchy | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Peavy Bandit Clean2 MIC_LSTM-16.json | amp | Yes | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe - Clean 2 | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Peavy Bandit Gainy MIC_LSTM-16.json | amp | Yes | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe | Peavy Bandit 112 Silver Stripe - Gainy | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
MLTerror15_0.5-0.5-0.5-model-lstm-1.json | amp | No | Orange Tiny Terror | Orange Tiny Terror | MLTerror15 | | GPL-3.0 | |
Fender_Twin_Custom1_Std_MOD.json | amp | No | Fender Twin Reverb 68 Custom PR 186 | Fender Twin Reverb 68 Custom PR 186 - Custom1: Custom channel, bright off, vol 3 | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | ||
Fender_Twin_Custom2_Std_MOD.json | amp | No | Fender Twin Reverb 68 Custom PR 186 | Fender Twin Reverb 68 Custom PR 186 - Custom2: Custom channel, bright on, vol 3 | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | ||
Fender_Twin_Vintage1_Std_MOD.json | amp | No | Fender Twin Reverb 68 Custom PR 186 | Fender Twin Reverb 68 Custom PR 186 - Vintage1: Vintage channel, bright off, vol 4 | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | ||
Fender_Twin_Vintage2_Std_MOD.json | amp | No | Fender Twin Reverb 68 Custom PR 186 | Fender Twin Reverb 68 Custom PR 186 - Vintage2: Vintage channel, bright on, vol 4 | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | ||
glam lead esr 0.013.json | amp | No | Carl Martin Bandmate | Carl Martin Bandmate - lead | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
glam crunch esr 0.041.json | amp | No | Carl Martin Bandmate | Carl Martin Bandmate - crunch | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
glam drive esr 0.017.json | amp | No | Carl Martin Bandmate | Carl Martin Bandmate - drive | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
glam clean esr 0.025.json | amp | No | Carl Martin Bandmate | Carl Martin Bandmate - clean | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Orange Clean.json | amp | No | Orange Rockerverb | Orange Rockerverb - Clean | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Orange Crunchy1.json | amp | No | Orange Rockerverb | Orange Rockerverb - Crunchy1 | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Orange Crunchy2.json | amp | No | Orange Rockerverb | Orange Rockerverb - Crunchy 2 | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Orange Dirty.json | amp | No | Orange Rockerverb | Orange Rockerverb - Dirty | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Orange Nasty.json | amp | No | Orange Rockerverb | Orange Rockerverb - Nasty | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Marsh JVM Clean1.json | amp | No | Marshall JVM 410H | Marshall JVM 410H | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Marsh JVM Clean2.json | amp | No | Marshall JVM 410H | Marshall JVM 410H | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Marsh JVM Crunch.json | amp | No | Marshall JVM 410H | Marshall JVM 410H | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Marsh JVM OD1.json | amp | No | Marshall JVM 410H | Marshall JVM 410H | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Marsh JVM OD2.json | amp | No | Marshall JVM 410H | Marshall JVM 410H | gianfranco | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Blues Deluxe Clean1.json | amp | No | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue PR246 | @itskais and @jesse | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Blues Deluxe Clean2.json | amp | No | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue PR246 | @itskais and @jesse | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Blues Deluxe Clean3.json | amp | No | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue PR246 | @itskais and @jesse | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Blues Deluxe Crunchy.json | amp | No | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue PR246 | @itskais and @jesse | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Blues Deluxe Dirty.json | amp | No | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue PR246 | @itskais and @jesse | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP Blues Deluxe Gainy.json | amp | No | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue | Fender Blues Deluxe Re-issue PR246 | @itskais and @jesse | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
5150 red esr 0.028.json | amp | No | EVH 5150 | EVH 5150 amplifier - red channel - high gain | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
5150 blue esr 0.042.json | amp | No | EVH 5150 | EVH 5150 amplifier - blue channel - clean | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
herbert ch2 clean.json | amp | No | Herbert | Diezel based amp (simil Herbert) | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
herbert ch2 drive.json | amp | No | Herbert | Diezel based amp (simil Herbert) | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
herbert ch2+ lead.json | amp | No | Herbert | Diezel based amp (simil Herbert) | Teuvosick | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
POLYTONE Mini Brute (Preamp Out).json | pre-amp | No | Politone Mini Brute | Politone Mini Brute Jazz Amp (use with 1x15 speaker) | Loris_Donatelli | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AC 101 - Ch1.json | amp | No | Mark Acoustic AC 101 | This is the Mark Acoustic (Mark Bass, Mark Audio etc.) AC 101 model on channel 1. Acoustic guitar amplifier but works well for Jazz guitar too. Channel 1 is particularly suitable for instruments with piezos or pickups. | Loris_Donatelli | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
FRY_GPDI.json | amp | No | FRYETTE | FRY(ETTE) GP/DI From clean to mean. Real amp capture without built in cab/mic emulation. Gain 1 (voicing) 50%, gain 2 (saturation) 100%. | Gates | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP HB Clean1.json | amp | No | Harley Benton TUBE15 | "Harley Benton TUBE15 Celestion, capture1: gain 3, vol 10" | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP HB Clean2.json | amp | No | Harley Benton TUBE15 | "Harley Benton TUBE15 Celestion, capture2: gain 5, vol 9" | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP HB Clean3.json | amp | No | Harley Benton TUBE15 | "Harley Benton TUBE15 Celestion, capture3: gain 7, vol 8" | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
AMP HB Crunchy.json | amp | No | Harley Benton TUBE15 | "Harley Benton TUBE15 Celestion, capture4: gain 9, vol 7" | itskais | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Fender Blues Deluxe 1 - preamp.json | amp | No | Fender Blues Deluxe | "Fender Blues Deluxe (reissue) (clean channel, treble: 6, mid: 8, bass: 6" | TheRedOne | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use | |
Fender Blues Deluxe 2 - pre+cab condendser mic on-axis.json | amp | Yes | Fender Blues Deluxe | "Fender Blues Deluxe (reissue), Condenser mic on-axis close up" | TheRedOne | | not allowed to be distributed but can be downloaded for personal use |