Access the configuration tool by using a web browser on the same network as your Zynthinan device.
Access the configuration tool by using a web browser on the same network as your Zynthinan device.
You need another computer with a browser to access this website inside your Zynthian.
You need another computer with a browser to access this website inside your Zynthian. You need to connect an Ethernet cable from the Zynthian box to your local router (or perhaps directly to your computer). WiFi is not enabled by default.
Browse to '''http://zynthian.local'''
Browse to '''http://zynthian.local'''
If you your browser can’t find the zynthian.local address, probably you are using an OS version that doesn’t support the link-local feature. You will then need to figure out what IP address has been assigned to your Zynthian box by your local network (router). You can try entering the terminal/console command in a console window of your computer:
If you your browser can’t find the '''zynthian.local''' address, probably you are using an OS version (Windows?) that doesn’t support the link-local feature. You will then need to figure out what IP address has been assigned to your Zynthian box by your local network (router). You can try entering the terminal/console command in a console window of your computer:
arp -a
arp -a
This will display a list of devices and IP addresses for things your computer knows about on your local network.
This will display a list of devices and IP addresses for things your computer knows about on your local network. One of those is likely to be your Zynthian box. Another technique is to do a portscan (just on port 80) of the entire local subnet (usually 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x) Use the following commands to do this:
nmap -p 80
nmap -p 80
Now browse to '''''' ( represents the IP address of your Zynthian)
Now browse to '''''' ( represents the IP address of your Zynthian)