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= ZynSeq - The Zynthian Sequencer =
= ZynSeq - The Zynthian Sequencer =
This guide explains how to access and use the Zynthian's step sequencer called, ZynSeq. Before following the guide, add 2 synth engines to layers using MIDI channels 1 & 2 respectively. We will use these to demonstrate ZynSeq. If you use a touchscreen instead of rotary encoders then enable touch navigation using webconf INTERFACE->UI Options.
This guide explains how to access and use the Zynthian's step sequencer called, ZynSeq. Before following the guide, add 2 synth engines to layers using MIDI channels 1 & 2 respectively. We will use these to demonstrate ZynSeq.
= Accessing ZynSeq =
= Accessing ZynSeq =