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== Assembling Zynthian MINI V2 into 3d printable enclosure ==
== Assembling Zynthian MINI V2 into 3d printable enclosure ==
Zynthian MINI V2 3D printable case consists of four parts:
;Top:This is most important part because it encloses all internal parts together. You can print just this part and have zynthian mini much more secured then just standing on stand offs. 
;Bottom:Bottom part closes the bottom of the case and comes with opening for the SD Card.
;SD card door:This is a SD card door that is attached to bottom part for easy access to zynthian's raspberry pi SD Card.
;Legs:These are small legs that are attached (glued) to the bottom part. They are designed to be a separate part from bottom part so that bottom part can be placed to printing bed and sliced without too much additional support. There is one stl file for one leg so you will need to print four of these.
You can either print this case yourself if you have a printer or give these 4 files to some of your friends that have it and point them to instructions here. Also you can request somebody to print this for you on [ thingiverse].
=== 3D printing instructions ===
Download all four parts from zynthian MINI V2 github repository.
* [ top.stl]
* [ bottom.stl]
* [ sd-card-door.stl]
* [ leg.stl]
Print first the following parts together top, sd card door and four leg parts by:
* importing them to printer's slicing software
* make copy of leg part so taht there are four of them
* lay the top side of top.stl part onto the printer bed
* lay the top side of sd-card-door.stl part onto the printer bed
* leave legs as they are imported
* arrange all part nicely aso that they do not overlap (you can use slicers auto arange feature)
* set "zynthian mini" logo with "no support" instructions - there is not need to add support to these letters (it depend on the slicer how you do that but typically you can do this by painting them with no support indicator)
* slice it with 15% infill and with support
* do you standard preparation of you printer before prinitng (e.g. bed  level, z offset etc)
* upload the print instructions from slicer and start printing
This will print around 3:30 hours on average commodity printers these days that can easily do 250mm/s such is Elegoo's Neptune 4 or Anycubic Kobra 2.
[ Here} is a timelapse of the print.
Then print bottom part. Lay bottom side of bottom part onto the printer bed. Use the same settings as for previous  parts. Bottom part will be printed much quicker.
=== Assembling all parts into 3D printed case ===
Here is the list of all components required to assemble zynthian mini V2 into the case:
1. Case Top part 
2. Case Bottom part 
3. Case SD Card door part 
4. Case legs parts 
5. brass heat set inserts (quantity 8) - M2.5xL4xOD3.5 - can be purchased [ here]
6. screws for brass heat set inserts (quanity 8) - M2.5, 6mm - can be purchased [ here]
7. 5" DSI screen and its screws - can be purchased [ here]
8. zynthian MINI V2 PCB - check instructions above how to assemble it 
9. enncoder caps (quantity 4) and nuts - check PCB components required above where to buy it 
10. Neutrik 1/4 stereo connector cap - can be purchased []
11. raspberry pi 4 with heatsink 
12. raspbery pi posts and their screws
*their size depend on heatsink - the standard zynthian MINI V2 PCB build recommends two spacers connector which is 16mm long so that there is enough space for raspberry pi to cool - therefore if heatsink is 7mm then raspberry pi posts need to be 9mm (7mm+9mm=16mm) 
13. HAT posts (quantity 4) - 11mm standard. 
14. Tools required - soldering iron for inserting heat set inserts and small phillips screw driver 
=== Step 1 - insert 3 heat set inserts into top and 5 into bottom part ===
Heat set inserts are easily inserted using soldering iron. The first you need to put insert into the position like this:
Then put soldering iron on top of the insert and gently pushed it inside the hole so that it is fully in like this:
Here is the location of holes where heat set inserts need to be inserted for top part
Here is the location of holes where heat set inserts need to be inserted for bottom part
There are other 2 holes for heat set inserts on the other side of the bottom part.
=== Step 2 - put screen inside the top part ===
First attach the cable to the screen. Then lay down the top part face down on the flat surface and put the screen through the screen opening like this:
Check that screen top is flat with top part face:
Screen opening on top part is snag enough to keep screen in place while you are moving the top part even though screen is not yet fixed to anything. Don't be confused that screen is up side down - this is intentional so that screen cable connector is close to the raspberry pi connector.
=== Step 3 - screw raspberry pi posts and HAT posts to the PCB ===
Now screw raspberry pi posts and HAT posts to PCB. Here is their locations on PCB:
=== Step 4 - put PCB into the case and attach the screen screws ===
Here is the location of screen screws on the PCB:
=== Step 5 - screw PCB to the case ===
Here is the location of PCB screws that need to be screwed into the case:
=== Step 6 - screw encoder screw nuts ===
=== Step 7 - screw Neutrik connector nut ===
=== Step 8 - attach screen cable to the raspberry pi ===
=== Step 9 - connect raspberry pi to the PCB ===
Here is location of raspberry pi post screws that need to be screwed
=== Step 10 - attach the sd card door to bottom pat using a screw and glue legs to bottom part ===
=== Step 11 - screw bottom part to top part ===


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