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= Save / Load / Snapshot =
= Save / Load / Snapshot =
Patterns, sequences and banks are saved within the snapshot and restored when a snapshot is loaded. There is also a method of exporting to and importing from standard MIDI file. [[#Import / Export MIDI Files | See section on Import / Export MIDI Files]]
Patterns, sequences and scenes are saved within the snapshot and restored when a snapshot is loaded. There is also a method of exporting to and importing from standard MIDI file. [[#Import / Export MIDI Files | See section on Import / Export MIDI Files]]
= External Trigger =
= External Trigger =
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====Navigating Arranger View====
====Navigating Arranger View====
The selection cursor may be moved around the grid of patterns by rotating the BACK and SELECT encoders. Information about the currently selected track is shown in the topbar, e.g. ''Bank 1 A2-1 (3)'' shows that track 1 in sequence 2 of bank 1 is in group A and sends to MIDI channel 3. Each horizontal division represents a beat. Moving the cursor beyond the edge of the screen will scroll to show more of the bank.
The selection cursor may be moved around the grid of patterns by rotating the BACK and SELECT encoders. Information about the currently selected track is shown in the topbar, e.g. ''Scene 1 A2-1 (3)'' shows that track 1 in sequence 2 of scene 1 is in group A and sends to MIDI channel 3. Each horizontal division represents a beat. Moving the cursor beyond the edge of the screen will scroll to show more of the scene.
Patterns may be added to or removed from the grid by short pressing the SELECT encoder or by tapping the touchscreen. Press and drag allows more accurate positioning of a pattern. Patterns may also be moved (only with touchscreen) by click and drag action. (A pattern may not be moved to overlap an existing pattern.)
Patterns may be added to or removed from the grid by short pressing the SELECT encoder or by tapping the touchscreen. Press and drag allows more accurate positioning of a pattern. Patterns may also be moved (only with touchscreen) by click and drag action. (A pattern may not be moved to overlap an existing pattern.)
The pattern to be added is indicated by a number in the bottom left of the display. This may be changed by rotating the LAYER encoder. (Note: This differs from ZynPad where LAYER encoder changes the bank.) Tapping the bottom left number on a touchscreen will allow selection of the pattern if touchscreen widgets are enabled.
The pattern to be added is indicated by a number in the bottom left of the display. This may be changed by rotating the LAYER encoder. (Note: This differs from ZynPad where LAYER encoder changes the scene.) Tapping the bottom left number on a touchscreen will allow selection of the pattern if touchscreen widgets are enabled.
Horizontal scrolling will move the cursor one beat unless it meets a pattern in which case it will jump to the next available space in the timeline. If the selected pattern is too long to fit the space then it will continue to skip forward until it finds available space.
Horizontal scrolling will move the cursor one beat unless it meets a pattern in which case it will jump to the next available space in the timeline. If the selected pattern is too long to fit the space then it will continue to skip forward until it finds available space.
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A track's MIDI channel may be set by highlighting the track then selecting ''MIDI channel'' from the menu. The instrument name is also shown during channel selection.
A track's MIDI channel may be set by highlighting the track then selecting ''MIDI channel'' from the menu. The instrument name is also shown during channel selection.
The quantity of sequences in the bank may be adjusted using the ''Grid size'' menu option. This allows selection of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49 or 64 sequences but does not change the MIDI channel of any tracks or group of any sequences. This may be undesirable if you use ZynPad as a column based performance tool in which case it may be more appropriate to change grid size from ZynPad menu.
The quantity of sequences in the scene may be adjusted using the ''Grid size'' menu option. This allows selection of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49 or 64 sequences but does not change the MIDI channel of any tracks or group of any sequences. This may be undesirable if you use ZynPad as a column based performance tool in which case it may be more appropriate to change grid size from ZynPad menu.
The group, play mode and trigger note of each sequence can be adjusted from the menu.
The group, play mode and trigger note of each sequence can be adjusted from the menu.
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A sequence may be cleared, resetting to a single track with no patterns using the ''Clear sequence'' menu option.
A sequence may be cleared, resetting to a single track with no patterns using the ''Clear sequence'' menu option.
The displayed bank may be changed from the menu and a bank can be cleared, resetting to 4 x 4 grid using the ''Clear bank'' menu option.
The displayed scene may be changed from the menu and a scene can be cleared, resetting to 4 x 4 grid using the ''Clear scene'' menu option.
====Mute and Play Mode Options====
====Mute and Play Mode Options====