Currently ''ZynAddSubFX'', ''Aeolus'' and ''Pure Data'' have support for native GUI, that is launched automatically when layer is created. Other GUI software can be launched, like ''qjackctl'' or a virtual MIDI keyboard for testing. Support for Soundfont GUI using ''Polyphone'' will be added in the future ;-)
Currently ''ZynAddSubFX'', ''Aeolus'', ''Pianoteq'' and ''Pure Data'' have support for native GUI, that is launched automatically when layer is created. Other GUI software can be launched, like ''qjackctl'' or a virtual MIDI keyboard for testing. Support for Soundfont GUI using ''Polyphone'' will be added in the future ;-)
'''IMPORTANT:''' Using an ethernet-to-ethernet (cable) connection will reduce latency and improve usability.
'''IMPORTANT:''' Using an ethernet-to-ethernet (cable) connection will reduce latency and improve usability.