Zynthian Sound Demos

1 FluidSynth

* Take5 MID file (FluidR3 GM Soundfont)
* [https://soundcloud.com/jose-fernando-moyano-dominguez/kalimba2 Little Demo with an Electro-Kalimba connected to a Zynthian Box with Audio-Inputs, using a MOD-UI patch including several effects, filters and the super-looper plugin.
* Holgers second simple test: Also nothing special! All sound are Fluidsynth with GM sampleset. First part is a quick 4-track recording with an external DAW. Second part is a MIDI file also played by Fluidsynth. Sorry for the blured pictures... I used the wrong setup for the cam :-(

2 ZynAddSubFX

* Little demo with Zaquencer and 2 Zynthians - ugly sound from tablet mic!

3 setBfree (Hammond Emulator)

* Maker Faire Impressions - setBfree and more

4 LinuxSampler

* Holgers first simple test playing with an Electric Piano - nothing special!