[[File:Visual-studio-code-menu-item.png|600px|thumb|right|Pi Desktop VSC menu item]]
[[File:Visual-studio-code-menu-item.png|600px|thumb|right|Pi Desktop VSC menu item]]
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===== Where are the zynthian source files located on a zynthian? =====
The zynthian software exists as a set of directories ( or folders if you prefer) in a directory on the zynthian called ...../zynthian.
[[File:Zynthian-home-directory.png|600px|thumb|right|Zynthian home directory]]
But it is a little more involved than this and this is linked to the directory /home/pi. Don't worry too much about this it just is part of the overall desire to no longer run the software as the root user and move to more modern versions of the operating system and is an ongoing process. It is however relevant when you try to run the code locally outside of the normal linux tools, specifically systemd.
The GUI software running on the zynth that operates the touchscreen are located within the zynthian ui directory. and there is a file called zynthian.sh. This is a shell script which isn't written in python but in a language, generally called shell script. It is a collection of commands one runs on the terminal we mentioned earlier an allows various things to be configured, before the actual python script that does the work, which is called zynthian_main.py, is run.