Deletion log

Below is a list of the most recent deletions.

  • 01:53, 20 February 2021 Jofemodo talk contribs deleted page VST plugins (content was: "* 3BandEQ-vst * 3BandSplitter-vst * AmplitudeImposer-vst * CycleShifter-vst * Dexed * EasySSP * JuceDemoHost * JuceDemoPlugin * Kars-vst * KlangFalter * LUFSMeter * LUFSMeterMulti * Luftikus * MVerb-vst * MaBitcrush-vst * MaFreeverb-vst * MaGigaverb-vst * MaPitchshift-vst * Nekobi-vst * Obxd * PingPongPan-vst * SoulForce-vst * StereoSourceSeparation * TAL-Dub-3 * TAL-Filter-2...", and the only contributor was "Gmeader" (talk))