Simple RPF Touchscreen Zynthian

How to get Zynthian working with a minimal amount of parts and no soldering etc., using the Official Raspberry Pi Foundation 7" Touchscreen.

1 Parts:

  • RASPBERRY PI 3 MODEL B $35 MCM Part #83-17300
  • 5.1VDC 2.5A Regulated AC Power Adapter $5.99 MCM Part #28-19338
  • MicroSD Card 16GB or larger
  • USB Audio Adapter based on the CM109 (Google: usb sound card cm109)

(also you should use/borrow a USB or Bluetooth keyboard, and an optional USB or Bluetooth mouse - temporarily to configure software)

2 Setup

  1. Download “Gorgona” SD Image for Zynthian for RBPi3 (8 GB) (you need bittorrent software (free) to download this)
** Download web page:
  1. Flash the software on to the MicroSD card using Etcher (free software works on Mac, Windows or Linux)
  2. Connect the touch display to the Raspberry Pi using the included instructions
  3. Insert the MicroSD card into the Raspberry Pi
  4. Connect the Raspberry Pi to the Internet using a Ethernet cable (or connect using WiFi)
  5. Connect the USB keyboard & mouse to the Raspberry Pi
  6. Connect the power Adapter to the Raspberry Pi and plug it into the wall.
  7. The Raspberry Pi will boot up Zynthian.

3 Configuration

  • If you do not have an Ethernet cable connection to the Internet, configure WiFi by clicking on the WiFi icon.
  1. start the Terminal (need clear instruction on how to do that with Zynthian image)
  2. Ensure the Raspbian operating system is up to date by connecting your Pi to the internet and running the following commands in the terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo rpi-update

4 Configure Zynthian software

Use a web browser to access your Zynthian box's admin web page

- update zynthian software from the admin menu
- update zynthian library from the admin menu
- restart GUI (or reboot) from the admin menu