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1. '''[[Zynthian UI Users Guide]]''': The hardware's UI (stable version). '''<= You should start here!'''
1. '''[[Zynthian UI Users Guide]]''': The hardware's UI (stable version). '''<= You should start here!'''
2. [[TESTING_Zynthian_UI_Users_Guide]]: The hardware's UI (testing version).
1. [[TESTING_Zynthian_UI_Users_Guide]]: The hardware's UI (stable version). '''<= You should start here!'''
2. [[Zynthian UI Users Guide (oldstable-2109)|LEGACY Zynthian UI Users Guide]]: The hardware's UI (old stable-2109)
3. '''[[Using ZynSeq|ZynSeq's Users Guide]]''': Detailed user's guide for the ZynSeq step sequencer.
3. '''[[Using ZynSeq|ZynSeq's Users Guide]]''': Detailed user's guide for the ZynSeq step sequencer.