Page history
7 March 2025
5 March 2025
→Encoders directly connected to GPIO Pins
→Connecting via the GPIO Pins.
→Encoders directly connected to GPIO Pins
→But what is an encoder?
→How does the zynthian understand the encoders?
3 March 2025
→But what is all this fuss about capacitors?
→Encoders connected using a MCP23017 chip
→How does the zynthian understand the encoders?
→Pins not to use for GPIO
→General GPIO pins
→General GPIO pins
→MCP4728 I2C Address
→How does the zynthian understand the encoders?
→How does the zynthian understand the encoders?
→Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→MCP23017 INT-B Pin
→MCP23017 INT-A Pin
→Pins not to use for GPIO
→MCP23017 pins
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→But what are the extra Switches s1-s4?
→MCP23017 INT-B Pin
→MCP23017 INT-A Pin
→MCP4728 I2C Address
→Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins
→Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins
→What do the numbers in the boxes mean?
→What do the terms in the titles of the boxes mean?
→What do the numbers in the boxes mean?
→How do I connect things at the Raspberry Pi End for an MCP23017?
→MCP23017 I2C Address
→MCP23017 pins
→How do I connect things at the Raspberry Pi End?